Data from external sources and internal sources, including experimental results and instrumental data, generate various file types and thousands of data points. R & D digitization organizes the workflow in guided paths. As the synchronized information (synformation) moves up the chain, from the laboratory to management in the organization. It provides a better view of the entire organization and gains the ability to make informed data-driven decisions instead of making decisions based on perceptions and assumptions.
We combine business know-how with IT expertise and best practices for integration architectures to enable your digital transformation in research and development (R&D). We work with our clients to streamline technology and processes and harness the power of data to remain competitive in today’s dynamic scientific informatic ecosystem.
We offer manufacturer-independent consulting and solutions for digital research and development. Leveraging our expertise in data and IT strategy, data governance, laboratory informatics and advanced analytics, we transform data into digital assets that drive informed decision making, generate more knowledge, reduce costs and reduce time to market.
Areas of focus include: Road-mapping and strategy, partnership identification, finalizing SoW.